I have never been to that Starbucks in my life, so I won't miss it, but let me take a way-out-in-left-field, wild wild guess here and posit that maybe, maybe, just maybe the businesses that are closing one after the other in the city are running into the perfect storm of high prices, irregular supply, massive labor shortage, and zero, or close to zero public safety in most neighborhoods. I know math isn't Detroit's strong point, but if you add up even 2-3 of those items above, you are close to: NO PROFIT. In the real world, as in, outside of the woke, delusional fantasy world of Lansing and DC, if a business does not make any money, it needs to close its doors. When you have something like one officer a day leaving DPD, you are going to have security problems. When you can not cross a parking lot---any parking lot-- without being accosted multiple times for something, you tend to avoid those parking lots or sidewalks. When you have to take all of your belongings to the bathroom if you need to go while you're sipping that $6 latte, because those belongings just might not be there when you get back, you do tend to avoid the establishment.

Sure, I'm just spit balling here, but if we just look around us, and forget the Mayor's and City Council's version of what life is like in the City, and just believe our eyes, we might have a better understanding of what is really going on. The McDonalds on Fenkell/Wyoming recently closed, as did the I'm Hortons across the street. White Castle is hanging in there, for now. The CVS on Dexter at Glendale---gone. The CVS by me, 6 & Wyoming went from 24 hour to 8:00AM -10PM after getting jacked up one time too many. The dollar stores are regularly hit up.....

So now we are reaping what has been sown: the police are fleeing to better pay, less dangerous jobs in the burbs or are retiring. The new hires are going to be necessarily less qualified, and therefore more dangerous to all of us than those they are replacing. The criminals and ne'er-do-wells know that there is close to zero chance of their ever being brought to justice...so they persecute and harass and intimidate the population of the city with total impunity. And businesses are closing and the population is dropping.....welcome to Duggan's and Whitmer's paradise....

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Nice click-bait article. For being an exclusive you sure provided absolutely nothing to the story... What exactly are the safety concerns? What exactly are the issues they're facing? What exactly did they talk about with the city? Your vaugery leaves it wide open from building safety concerns to theft and other crime.

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Ummm, does not make much sense to keep the secret to the public what is unsafe for customers & employees at this Starbucks unless the Target that is going to built across the street will be incorporating a smaller Starbucks within it like many Target stores do now.

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Thank you for keeping us updated. When it comes to the safety of employees and customers, this is really important.

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Nothing but positive strides and be safe. Keep God with you and you can’t go wrong.

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As have said Christians ,since Romans posited them as "hors d'oeuvres" for lions.

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