Daily Detroit is what to know and where to go in Metro Detroit.

This is the companion newsletter to our daily local podcast sharing interesting stories that push Detroit’s conversation forward. We are based in the city of Detroit and cover Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties with the occasional statewide story of interest.

Our podcast has more than 850 episodes.

Our most recent listener survey showed that 30% of our audience lives in the city of Detroit, 29% in Oakland (mostly south of 14 mile), 27% across the rest of Wayne County, 5% in Macomb County, 3% in Washtenaw and the rest across the country.

We are all local.

Our podcast and newsletter focuses on our communities. We only cover national items when it directly pertains to metro Detroit.

Where to find your local podcast and newsletter:

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Subscribe to Daily Detroit

What to know and where to go in Metro Detroit! We do a regular email and daily podcast pushing southeast Michigan's conversation forward. Finalist for best news and politics podcast. Give us a call to leave a voicemail for the podcast: 313-789-3211


Sharing what to know and where to go in Metro Detroit on our daily podcast. Local news for people who want more context and signal than hype and noise.